Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. What do you traditionally do for the 4th of July?
Go to my mother's house to eat with family and then hang out and play games until it is time for fireworks.

2. Did you follow your tradition this year? How did you celebrate yesterday?
Nope and spent it sick! Yesterday was my birthday too so TOTALLY SUCKS! I am getting over a nasty stomach virus, and spent Sunday in the hospital dehydrated. Fun times, I tell ya.

3. What is the best fireworks show you've ever seen?
Well, they are pretty much the same here every year, but they are pretty good!

4. Have you ever been injured by a firecracker?
Never. I don't get anywhere close to them things!

5. Burger, Brat, or Hot Dog?
Hmmm...depends on my mood. Never a Brat (gross), sometimes a burger, sometimes a hot dog, and sometimes if I am really hungry or can't decide, a burger AND a hot dog.

6. Do you sport red, white, and blue on our Independence Day?
Yes. Not usually all three colors but I do like to wear one of them at least..normally I like to wear a red top with dark denim.

7. If you had to be from any country other than the USA, what country would it be?
Um, Europe? Wait..that is a continent. Haha, so some country in Europe I guess but I think I like being right where I am the best!

8. Charcoal or gas?
Gas. I dislike charcoal very much.

9. What’s your favorite thing about this fair country of ours?
Our freedom to do pretty much whatever we want...like wear what we choose to wear and marry who we want to marry. Things like that.

10. God Bless the USA, My Country Tis of Thee, or the Star Spangled Banner?
If I just had to choose, My Country Tis of Thee. However, during this whole questionaire here, I have had Katy Perry's Firework song stuck in my head....

*Questions found here


  1. I'm sorry your sick! Also, I feel your pain with Katy Perry's Firework ... that song often randomly makes an appearance in my brain. My 3-year old was watching the Macy's fireworks on tv and Dynamite came on ... and he knew all the words! Ack!

  2. Also, holy crap I used the wrong form of "your"... that never happens. Can I get a pass for my birthday? ha!

  3. Happy belated Birthday!! I tried to comment on your blog yesterday but it wouldn't let me! Also, my newphews know all the words to Dynamite too, it is on their kids bop cd :)
