Monday, June 20, 2011


My friends and family are not cutting it...I need some conversations with other people. Just in a blah state of mind these days and looking to spice things up a little! So I am trying the online things...

I am a soon to be 22 year old mom to a 2 year old daughter. She is my everything. I work two jobs and don't get to see her as often as I would like (ideally that would be all the time!). My day job supports us just fine, I work my second job to have extra spending money. I enjoy traveling and going on vacation so I'm not going to have all that cut out just because he left. "He" is my ex. The ex left me after over 10 years together. We never married, but we were saving up to have the dream wedding. He is instead getting married to a girl he met in a bar just one year ago. I am extremely devasted by it.

I don't want to date, don't have time to date. I hate the thought of my daughter having another father figure in her life other than her dad. I want more children, but don't like the idea of having other children with another guy other than my ex. I know it is more common than ever these days but it just isn't for me.

I just don't get it. My ex was so wonderful and so perfect. He was the dream guy you see in the movies. He was an amazing dad from day one. And now he is gone. He provides for our daughter as he should (plenty of child support, sends her clothes and gifts through mail, etc.) but he rarely sees her now. He moved 5 hours away and with our work schedules it is just hard to meet up. I refuse to let my daughter stay with him. She has never spent the night away from me and we are not starting that now.

My ex and I have always been best friends. We were in the same kindergarten class and always played together at school and after school. We began "for real" dating when we were 11 and our relationship ended almost one year ago.

I know I need to move on, especially with him getting married in October. How did you move on from a long-term relationship?

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